
Why do missions exist? Why do Christians labor to spread the Gospel message to those who’ve not heard? This seminar seeks to answer those questions and so much more. You will discover how missions exist to increase the worship of God through the praise of His glory in the hearts of His people.
Teachers: Zach Sawall  (Fireside Room)

How to Study the Bible:

An introduction to the methodology of inductive study of the Bible. Inductive study consists of careful observation of the text leading to sound interpretation and appropriate application. We will articulate the three principles of sound interpretation relating to historical, contextual, and literary interpretations. By learning these three principles and practicing their application, you should be able to more accurately interpret the Scriptures.
Teacher: Josh Sturm  (Room 200)

Christians in the Workplace:

This seminar presents a Biblical theology of work and how one can display the glory of God in the workplace. You will study a wide range of topics from how Jesus’ work changes us to practical ways of sharing Christ with your colleagues.
Teacher: Clint Steinke  (One Journey Center)