Crazy Busy

I (Clint) walked into Pastor Rob’s office for a meeting one day and was asked how things were going.  My response was ‘crazy busy.’  Rob immediately introduced me to this book as a response to being busy.  Frankly, I am extremely happy he did because this was a very interesting book to go through, and the best part about the book is that it is only 118 pages.  What was most beneficial for me regarding the book was the realization that Jesus was busy, but His busyness was the correct busyness in working on kingdom work.  We get caught up in adding these new fads, and trends that try to provide an easier lifestyle as well as correct our issues but instead add to our busy lifestyles.  The book challenges our faithfulness to God and making him the priority.  What we have to understand is that there is a difference between busyness and productiveness, as well as questioning whether our productivity is yoked in Christ or in this world. (Reviewed by Clint Steinke)
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