Pastoral Theology

Pastoral Theology: Theological Foundations for Who a Pastor is and What He Does by [Akin, Dr. Daniel L., Pace, Dr. R. Scott]

I am recently sensing an increased interest in theology. Perhaps there are times in the life of a church where we crave the basics on which we are founded. Maybe we see culture leading us astray or perhaps it is simply recognizing our need for God. This is a good thing as we need this strong foundation for everything we do.
Is there a need for another theology book?  There are many great theology texts one can choose from. Why might we choose this book as opposed to dusting off any other theology text in our library? Daniel L. Akin and R. Scott Pace titled this book
Pastoral Theology but it could have just as easily been called “Practical Theology” or “Everyday Theology.” This is a theology handbook for “in the trenches.”
While it is written for pastors, I think it would be very helpful for any believer to read as it defines the role of pastor and defines what the church is. In other words, there is purpose and definition defined and described for each one of us. It is easy to get distracted by trends and felt-needs, but good theology helps us focus on what is important.
The book starts with the foundations of our faith—God, Jesus, Spirit—and progresses through the doctrines of the church and ends with how to practically facilitate this in our churches, although there is much practical throughout the book.
In a time where there is a war for our churches, we need this practical, everyday pastoral theology. As a pastor, it is helpful to be reminded what we stand for and how this affects how and what we do in church. For the congregation, it is helpful to be reminded what we stand for and what a church is and is not. I found myself both encouraged and challenged throughout the book.
I’m glad there is an increase in attention given to theology. I hope that this newly increased interest will help us refine our purpose of making disciples and reaching the lost as we seek to give glory to God the Three-In One.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. (Mike Fischer)
Click here to find this book on Amazon.

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