Core Seminars
Core Seminars at IBC are designed to train us in our discipleship of Jesus Christ. The adult Bible electives are offered each Sunday morning during the Sunday School hour from 9:00-10:00am. A new track of studies is offered each quarter in the Basics, Bible Overview, History & Theology, Christian Roles, Christian Discipleship, and Engaging the World.
Adult Prayer & Bible Study
Adults meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm during the school year in room 206. We begin with a brief devotional setting our minds on our great God, and then pray to our great God. Check our calendar here.
Small Groups
Involvement in a Small Group can be a helpful way to grow in relationships and be part of our church family. Click here for more…
Young Adults
High-school graduates through early career aged adults – meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Each week we discuss the Sunday sermon, allowing for opportunity to go deeper into questions, comprehension and personal application. For more information contact Jay Sparks: 715.870.5029.
Women’s D-Group Studies
The women’s D-Group study meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30 or on Friday mornings 9:00. There is a virtual option and child care available for the Friday class. This is a great opportunity for women of all ages to study and fellowship together as they learn from God’s Word. Check the calendar for an up-to-date schedule and current study title. For more info contact Theresa Menard.
Women’s Precept Bible Studies
Precept Bible studies are for women who want to to discover God’s Truth by going deeper into God’s Word through daily study. They meet Tuesday evenings beginning at 6:30pm. Check our calendar for current studies. For more information contact Pat Meldrum.
Sack Lunch Sunday
Sack Lunch Sunday falls on the second Sunday of the month during the school year. Bring lunch for your family and stay after church and fellowship with other families in the Fireside Room.
Family Bible Week
Held each year in the first part of June, Family Bible Week offers in-depth Bible study with age-appropriate speakers, plus great fun and fellowship for the entire family. Click here for more information.