Show your support for life by having your name appear in a Pro-Life Signature ad in the City Pages on January 30. You can sign the ad in the church foyer from now until January 19.
Join our Mission House Open House and Housewarming on Sunday, January 19, after the morning service. We are praising the Lord for what He has provided. To view the Housewarming Registry, click here.
Once again we will support HOPE Life Center by participating in their HOPE Operation Baby Bottle campaign. Pick up a baby bottle in the church foyer on January 19, fill it with cash or checks and return the bottle to the church no later than February 9.
Awana Fairmont Fair is our annual carnival for kids ages 2-12. The cost is $2 per child and it includes a morning of fun, snacks and prizes. You won’t want to miss this family event on Saturday, February 8.