
We are thankful for your interest in learning about our church family. We desire to know Christ and make him known as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you want to dig deeper into who we are and what we believe, see the ABOUT tab above. Below are some answers to common questions that we hope will help make you feel ready and eager to join us for a Sunday worship service. 
Why do we gather in corporate worship?
We believe genuinely Christian worship is always in response to God’s word. Through the written word which reveals to us the eternal word, Jesus Christ, God shows himself to be worthy of whole-hearted worship. So we seek to have God’s word central to our corporate worship. His word calls us into worship and directs our songs and prayers. God’s word then consecrates and shapes us as it is proclaimed through preaching. His word is represented visibly and tangibly in the Lord’s Supper and baptism. And finally, God’s word sends us back out into the world as a people on mission. In all of this we seek to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, for his glory and the good of all his people (Colossians 3:16).
What time should I be there?
Our Sunday morning worship begins at 10:15, but we would also encourage you to join us for our Sunday School hour starting at 9:00am.
What should I wear?
We value your presence no matter how you are dressed. You’ll see people in a wide variety of clothing styles from semi-casual to “Sunday best.” 
Where should I park?
Parking is located on both the east and west side of the church, with the west side being the larger lot. There are spaces marked for visitors and special needs in either lot. Once you enter the building, the worship center is on the lower level. An elevator is available for those who need assistance. On Sunday mornings, our valet team is happy to help senior adults, those with young children, or those with special needs.
What about my children?
During the Sunday school hour we offer age-specific classes up through 8th grade. During the main worship service, children are welcome to stay with their parents, but there are also age-specific options for 2 yrs – 5th grade. Visit our Children’s Ministry page for complete information.
We welcome you to come and worship with us at Immanuel!