Don’t Waste Your Life – John Piper


When I (Rob) was a younger pastor this book was used to speak to what I was feeling about my own life but could not put into words. I remember sitting at the dining room table and not being able to put it down. The Bible warns us that the only things that are going to last into our eternal life are those things done for Christ (Mt 6:19-21). If we believe this, how will it affect our choices, our budgets, or vocations? One imagery in the book that struck me as I read was the alarming condition of young men who are pressured to waste their lives. In his book, Piper shares the account of a young man who was just seventeen when he snuck into the European theater during WWII and found himself on the beach at Normandy. Here is a young man who sneaks himself into the conflicts of war in order to invest himself in the greater cause. We can contrast this with the current temptation within ourselves to shrink back from great responsibility and opportunity. In the end we can see that the danger of wasting our life is present at every turn.
In addition to being a great book (especially for young men who are rising to the occasion of God’s names sake) it’s also free. Just follow this link and download the e-book.  (Reviewed by Pastor Rob)

The Explicit Gospel – Matt Chandler

There might be no more frequently used word in the Christian church right now that the word “gospel.” Honestly, it might mean different things depending on who’s using the word. Most often in our circles people mean the invitation to accept Christ. Matt Chandler, the Pastor of Village Church near Dallas, does a great job explaining that the gospel “is not the response to the gospel (pg 82).” The gospel is explicit however. It is not something we can subtly hint at or something we can tailor for certain individual responses. If you believe that “the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,” (Romans 1:16) than this might be a good book for you. (Reviewed by Pastor Rob)
Find it on Amazon

Sticky Church – Larry Osborne

This summer, as we read and studied small group programs in the process of retooling and re-visioning our own small group ministry at IBC, this book was inspiring and encouraging. It clearly presents the strengths and benefit of uniting small groups together as sermon-based small groups. As a small group leader, you will find this book provides many good ideas and encouragement as we grow into our own sermon-based small group ministry. As a congregation member, this book can help you understand the benefits and goals of sermon-based small groups. If you’re in a small group, you’ll be encouraged, and if you are not in a group, I’m certain you’ll find yourself wanting to find a small group.  (Reviewed by Pastor Mike)
Check it out on Amazon.

True Worshippers – Bob Kauflin

About one year ago, Bob Kauflin released his second book on worship. His first book, Worship Matters very practically addresses the worship leader and worship musicians. Bob leads Sovereign Grace Music a resource we find very useful for new songs. Some of our congregational favorites, such as In Christ Alone, Behold Our God, and All I Have is Christ have come from this resource. Bob is a “leader of leaders” and is looked to by many worship leaders and worship teams for guidance. In his newest book, True Worshippers addresses the worshipper. Of course, this includes worship leaders and worship musicians, but goes much further. We are all worshippers. Bob’s practical and Biblical teaching has been a great encouragement and challenge to me over the past several years. (Reviewed by Pastor Mike)
Click here to see this book on Amazon.