How To Shepherd God’s People Like Jesus

In my opinion, the sense of smell is one of the most powerful of our five basic human senses.  Even the smallest scent can transport the mind back in time, flooding a person with emotional memories of past joy and even sorrow. But have you also noticed that you can often tell where a person has been just by their aroma?  Subway is one of those restaurants where you can’t help but walk away with their signature smell.  After leaving, we become a walking advertisement for Subway’s fresh bread until the smell slowly fades away.  Sometimes this is annoying, especially when you’re around a Subway-hater. 

But when you’ve bumped into an elder, have you taken note of their aroma?  Has the scent given you a glimpse into where they’ve been?  In Jeramie Rinne’s book, Church Elders:  How to Shepherd God’s People Like Jesus, he writes:  “The shepherd (elder) is among the sheep.  He’s not off somewhere else.  He is walking in the midst of the animals, touching them and speaking to them.  He knows them because he lives with them.  As a result, he even smells like sheep.”

Whether you are an elder, an aspiring elder, or among the sheep, this book is for you.  Consider cracking open the cover of this book to explore practical guidance for elders and insight that helps church members better understand and support their spiritual leaders.  IBC has recently experienced change in church polity and with any change comes confusion.  May the fog of confusion lift as you page through Rinne’s biblical commentary on the topic of church elders. (Reviewed by Ben Graham)
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